Passage Technology Blog

Help Other Users Like You by Sharing Your Experience


User feedback helps us improve our apps, providing the best experience, features, and functionality.

Customer reviews and ratings are becoming an increasingly important part of the buying process, helping buyers make informed decisions.

Building and Implementing a Sound Data Governance Program


A key responsibility of every business’s IT and Analytics department is to establish and execute a comprehensive data governance program. Executive leadership teams view this function as vital to a company’s overall risk management and growth potential—and with good reason. This applies to businesses of all sizes, from small to very large.

How to Choose the Right Salesforce Development Partner for You


When there are almost 3,000 consulting partners for Salesforce on the AppExchange, it might seem like it's harder to narrow down which one is right for you than snagging front row tickets to the Eras Tour. Not to worry! Here is a list of questions and qualifications to find a consultant that matches your project needs best. With these tips, you'll be placed at the front of the pre-sale line. (If you're looking for information about Salesforce implementations rather than custom development, check out this blog instead.) 

Tips for Executing an Effective Data Quality Strategy


A business’s operations, and its resulting success, are highly dependent upon the quality of the data it uses. This truism is universally accepted. Data impacts every facet of the business, and with the growing use of AI, the business must be proactive in its data quality strategy.

How to Set Up Salesforce Development Projects for Success


The double-edged sword of Salesforce is that you have the capability to customize it, but it can be difficult to achieve the vision you want depending on the experience of your current development team, or the technical debt residing in your org(s). Custom development projects are vital for enhancing efficiency and productivity within your organization. Don't overlook the significance of these projects, as they require a substantial investment of both time and money to do things the right way. Like most things in life, the best way to ensure success is to have the right foundations. Before hitting "start" on your next project, make sure you have all of these items in place.

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