Passage Technology Blog

Filtered by lead-management

Ask PT About Avoiding the Creation of Duplicate Records in Salesforce


Dear PT, 

At our company, when users create a Salesforce® Contact, a search is done to find if the related Account is already in our records. If they don’t find an Account, then one is created. This manual process sometimes results in duplicate Accounts being created, with identical information or differing information. Data quality suffers, relationship management is affected, and then time and resources are wasted fixing the problems. There has to be a better way.

Bette R. Dada-Highjeene from Dublin, OH

Ask PT About Using Automation to Assign Leads to Accounts in Salesforce


Dear PT, 

Like many Salesforce® users, we have to manually assign Leads to their related Account. Of course, this opens up the potential for errors. It would be nice if we could automate this process and then notify the correct salesperson about the new Lead. Any thoughts on how we could easily do this?

Dom Main from Lincoln, NE

Ask PT About Reducing Response Time with New Leads in Salesforce


Dear PT, 

Buyer expectations are rapidly evolving. Now you can measure buyer intent in nearly real-time. However, at our company, our new Lead response time is often measured in days, not hours. Studies show that best practices require a response measured in minutes. Any ideas on how we can extend Salesforce® capabilities to make this internal improvement?

Hawt Leede from Prospect Heights, IL

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