Passage Technology Blog

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Ask PT How to See CY Revenue for Salesforce Opportunities or Accounts


Dear PT, 

Our company displays products, quantity, and revenue on our Opportunity records. Unfortunately, the revenue figures are from the last 12 months to date, so the total may span two different years. We need to separate the revenue into two different categories, this year and last year. And we’d also like to display this information at the Account level. What do you suggest?

Rev. Nu Kalander from Fields, IN

Ask PT About Prioritizing Salesforce Open Cases Based on Open Tasks


Dear PT, 

Is there an easy way to show how many Tasks are left to be completed in an open Salesforce® Case? This would help us to manage resources better and ultimately be more productive as an organization. It also might prevent us from closing a Case before it’s truly complete.

O. Penntask from the OC

Data Pain: Duplicate Records, Incomplete Contacts & Disparate Systems


How Clean, Real-time Data Can Open a World of New Possibilities

Benjamin Disraeli once said, “Change is inevitable. Change is constant.” And in the world of data, change happens at lightning speed. To give you an idea of just how fast data changes–Salesforce® reports that every 30 minutes, 120 business addresses change, and 75 phone numbers change.

Ask PT About Creating Hierarchy Rollups in Salesforce Without Coding


Dear PT, 

We need to better aggregate our data so various business functions can create insights. On a number of Objects, we need a way to easily rollup records scattered across numerous child, parent, and grand-parent hierarchies—for example, Accounts. However, our company has limited developer resources internally. So when we need a solution, we have to pay for outsourcing. This can be expensive, but often it is more expensive to not obtain that solution, in terms of productivity and competitiveness. Are there other options to coding?

Rhee Layshuns in Progress, PA

Celebrating Database Admins – Our Unsung Heroes


July 1 Marks the 5th Annual Database Administrators Appreciation Day

Database Administrators work behind the scenes to keep their Salesforce org running smoothly. They do everything from creating reports and automating complex business processes, to training users on Salesforce – all while helping their teams stay efficient and on top of things.

What is technical debt, and how can you avoid it in Salesforce?


What is technical debt?

The easiest explanation is that hardware, software, or technical processes you implement now may not work in the future. This can manifest in many ways. When you're under pressure to put something together quickly, this can result in bugs that will take a lot of time to fix (possibly more time than doing it correctly the first time). Technical debt can also manifest when you move information over from a legacy system, or it can be something that needs to be fixed with better documentation to help user adoption or ensure people use the tools correctly.

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