Passage Technology Blog

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Ask PT About Viewing Account Information on a Lead in Salesforce


Dear PT, 

With Salesforce® Contacts, you can view their Account information. But at our company, we like to classify leads as Leads, not as Contacts. But Leads don’t display Account information. How can we extend Salesforce to get this functionality?

Moe Enfo from Lead Mine, WI

Celebrating Database Admins – Our Unsung Heroes


July 1 Marks the 5th Annual Database Administrators Appreciation Day

Database Administrators work behind the scenes to keep their Salesforce org running smoothly. They do everything from creating reports and automating complex business processes, to training users on Salesforce – all while helping their teams stay efficient and on top of things.

Ask PT About Listing Grandchild Records on Parent Record in Salesforce


Dear PT, 

At our company, when a Case or Opportunity is created, the parent Account is not always known or identified at that time. This creates a significant amount of work later, trying to manually identify if there is an Account and what it might be. Also, we think it would be useful to have a top-down look at these relationships, viewing the parent Account and seeing a list of its child Accounts and their related objects. How could we accomplish this?

Gren P. Reant from Childwold, NY

Introducing Passage Technology’s Knowledge Base


A New Support Option for Our Customers

A recent Harvard Business Review study reports 62% of customers think having knowledgeable employees is the third most important aspect needed for a company to provide good customer service.

Salesforce Admin Tips, Tools & How-to-Guides from Passage Technology


At Passage Technology, our goal is to help you do more with Salesforce. We understand that the journey to becoming an Awesome Salesforce Admin can be a big undertaking as orgs become more customized and complex. 

Following is a collection of tips, tools, and shortcuts from our team that will help you and your users get the most out of your Salesforce.

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